Lethbridge-Stewart: The Forgotten Son - Candy Jar Books

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Lethbridge-Stewart: The Forgotten Son by Andy Frankham-Allen SPECIAL EDITION

(Series 1 book 1)

The Great Intelligence has been defeated. And Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart’s world has changed.

For Colonel Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart his life in the Scots
Guards was straightforward enough; rising in the ranks through nineteen years of military service. But then his regiment was assigned to help combat the Yeti incursion in London, the robotic soldiers of an alien entity known as the Great Intelligence. For Lethbridge-Stewart, life would never be the same again.

Now he has a mammoth task ahead of him – the repopulating of London; millions of civilians need to be returned home after being evacuated so suddenly. On top of that, he also has his engagement to think about.

Meanwhile in the small Cornish village of Bledoe a man is haunted by the memory of an accident thirty years old. The Hollow Man of Remington Manor seems to have woken once more. And in Coleshill, Buckinghamshire, Mary Gore is plagued by the voice of a small boy, calling her home.

What connects these strange events to the recent Yeti incursion, and just what has it all got
to do with Lethbridge-Stewart?

A revised edition of the 2015 book,
set just after the Doctor Who serial The Web of Fear, featuring the characters created by Mervyn Haisman & Henry Lincoln.


“A solid start to the series. The Brigadier is such an integral part of Doctor Who mythos, it seems right and proper he now has his own series.” Doctor Who Magazine

“Once I picked up The Forgotten Son and started reading it, I devoured it, reading the entire book all in one go.  I could not just set this one aside and walk away in the middle of the story, and I am certainly looking forward to the next installment!” – Nerdversity

The Forgotten Son is a superb start to the Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart range... this is an absolutely perfect representation of Lethbridge-Stewart in his younger days, coming to terms with the barmy events of the Great Intelligence’s Yeti attack and discovering new facts about himself, just as we learn them with him.” – Kasterborous

“A strong opening that sets out the series’ stall very well.” – Sci-Fi Bulletin

The Forgotten Son is a well-paced, superbly atmospheric and detailed story that will transport its reader back to a time when you could truly hide behind the sofa as the Yeti menace stalked London.The Consulting Detective

Forgotten Son has a fantastic (and already popular) action hero, a world-threatening villain, a mystery to solve and plenty of conflict. Three more books (written by different authors and previewed at the end of the novel) are lined up, with more planned for the future.
I’m looking forward to seeing where they take this wonderful character.
The Geek Girl Project

About the Author

Welsh-born Andy Frankham-Allen's passion for writing began with a love of Doctor Who. He's been writing as long as he can remember and has been working professionally since 2004. His work includes several official Doctor Who short stories.

March 2011 saw the release of his debut novel, Seeker, the first book in The Garden Saga.

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Cover by Richard Young & Will Brooks




To visit the Lethbridge-Stewart website click here.



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